The minimum you need to do to succeed with JBP/JSS:
- Join JBP by opening an account;
- Set up your AlertPay account and fund it, or link your credit card to it
- Upgrade in JBP by making your $15 payment
- Enter your AlertPay email address in the JBP Member Area
- Sponsor downline members (optional)
- Study and apply "Upgrade Your Brain" and the "Big Success Breakthrough" -- see "Access Our Products" in your JBP member area
- Make JSS-Tripler your primary moneymaker
Well-known online marketer Mike Dillard originated the concept of "Magnetic Sponsoring."After several years of struggling in MLM and not making any money, he realized he had to "get his head right."
He says that 90% of success is getting your head right; 10% is physical execution.
Marketing is "physical execution."
But independent marketing on your own is more demanding than the physical execution in a typical job where a boss tells you what to do.
By design or accident, in your home and in school you may have been "programmed for mediocrity".
Your head could be "screwed up." You may have allowed yourself to be reduced to less than a "properly functioning human being."
The Challenge: If applicable, will you tackle the 90% to get your head right?
Or... (again, if applicable) do you prefer to not realize the ambitions you have for your life?
In my opinion, the most important moneymaking skill is to send "interested visitors" to a referral page -- that's marketing in a word.
It's the road to success. But, to succeed on the road to success, you may have to get your head right first.
So the first objective of this Tutorial is to persuade you to consider the possibility that your personal thinking and behavior patterns might have to be improved so that if you get on a potential road to success, you can actually succeed. You see, if you get on a potential road to success, but you don't know how to walk or drive to make progress on the road toward a destination, then you may still be stuck in a blind alley!
There may be "personal factors" that prevent your success, even if you've selected a potential road to success.
You should also know that you can earn a great deal with JBP and its associated JSS programs without doing any marketing.
There are no sponsoring requirements.
Several of our members have earned thousands without sponsoring anyone or by sponsoring just a few. See our blog.
A second objective is to help you to identify potential roads to success and to make some suggestions on how to select and develop the best ones for you.
On the Internet you have almost infinite choices related to potential moneymaking. Most of these choices lead down blind alleys likely to waste time and money.
Obviously, if you can avoid the blind alleys and find the potential roads to success, you're much more likely to succeed.
So, the third objective of this Tutorial is to provide you with a method to help you to quickly identify blind alleys, so you don't waste your time and money on them.
This Tutorial is organized as a series of steps. You start with Step #1, or the earliest step appropriate for you. Then you proceed to the next step.
If you don't succeed with any particular step, it's most likely that you need to do more to get your head right. So you return to Step #1.
Step #1: Get Your Head Right!
Step #1A: There may be one or more Make-or-Break Issues (MBIs) that prevent you from operating at the level of a properly functioning human being.An MBI is something that needs to be handled first. If a car has a broken engine, you need to fix the engine to get the car to run. Giving a car with a broken engine a new paint job won't make it run.
I don't know what applies to you. It's your task to find out. You may have an "I-can't" program. You may suffer from "psychological reversal" -- using your mind more to harm than help yourself. You may have poor reading and writing skills, also making it difficult for you to think coherently. You may need to learn Phonics. You may have largely or completely lost the ability to learn. You may be stuck with "disempowering decisions" you made early in your life.
The best place to start may be with the "Big Success Breakthrough" -- a JBP Level 1 product.
Step #1B: You may need to learn to Take Actions that Work -- actions that produce the results you desire.
You may be able to learn this by studying Simpleology 101 -- available for free -- see the "Basic Get-Real Success System" (BGRSS).
If you find yourself unable to study and apply Simpleology 101, then Return to Step #1A.
Step #1C: Watch the "NewSell" video:
Dr. Michael Hewitt-Gleeson: NewSell
You can control the actions you take. Of course, you can influence prospects to take the actions you want.
If you find yourself still believing that you can "close sales," then Return to Step #1C.
Step #1D: Realize that as an effective marketer, you can earn a fulltime online income!
There are tens of millions of people trying to make money online. Most of them have little or no success.
By introducing them to JBP/JSS, you provide them with probably a better way to become successful than anything they've seen before.
Also realize that connecting with these prospects may be a challenge for you. Furthermore, there are millions of people taking "marketing actions" every day.
Even though most of these actions don't work, you're competing with them to get the attention of prospects.
To succeed, your marketing actions need to stand out!
There are literally millions of "marketing actions" you could take. The typical outcome of practically all the "marketing actions" is that "nothing happens"
-- you place an advertisement, send out an email, post in a forum... and you get zero result -- no feedback!
Step #1E: Consider getting a mentor. See Get Expert Assistance.
You could offer somebody on $5 to start teaching you how to market JSS-Tripler.
You can also tell them they can use JSS-Tripler to market their products/services (once our Traffic Exchange has been implemented).
They might just join JSS-Tripler under you and make you a fortune!
As an example, see Technoreabit -- you could offer to pay someone $5 to make you a JSS-Tripler video!
Step #2: Start Marketing
Step #2A: Read the JBP Marketing FAQ. If you find it difficult to read, then Return to Step #1A.It's most important to TEST your marketing efforts, so you can find out what works, what works best, and what doesn't work.
(You add "&c=tracking_code" to the end of your affiliate URL. E.g., tracking_code could be fv01.)
If necessary, get someone computer-savvy to sit next to you and help you figure out how to use tracking codes.
If you find yourself "unable" or "unwilling" to perform this step, then Return to Step #1B.
Step #2C: As an exercise, sign up for FreeViral.
There are many marketing programs with a "chainletter structure" similar to that of FreeViral.
Generally, these programs don't work well. Do the "Alexa traffic test." (Sponsoring protocol: If Frederick Mann/bigbooster is not your JBP sponsor, contact your sponsor before joining FreeViral. If possible, join FreeViral under your JBP sponsor.
When you enter the URL of your advertisement in FreeViral, be sure to add a tracking code to the end of it.
If you find yourself "unable" or "unwilling" to perform this step, then Return to Step #1B.
Step #2D: Consider doing some Offline Marketing.
Step #2E: Google: good places to advertise. Identify prospective places to advertise.
If you find forums, ask if anyone can help you find good places to advertise.
(You may be able to establish connections with some of the people who answer your questions,
and follow up by asking if they can advise you on how to advertise JSS-Tripler.)
Check out the potential places to advertise mentioned in the JBP FAQs -- see JBP Marketing FAQ -- particularly forums.
Step #2F: Place some advertisements. If you find yourself placing ads without tracking codes, then Return to Step #2B.
Use variations of the suggested emails and text ads in the JBP Marketing FAQ and the other FAQs related to marketing listed in the JBP Marketing FAQ,
or write your own ads.
Use the results your ads produce to find out what works, what works best, and what doesn't work. Do more of what works BEST!
Step #2G: Learn all you can from Marketing Experiments to make your marketing more effective.
Step #3: Expand Your Marketing
Step #3A: Check out the different JBP referral pages. Realize that there are 10s of millions of people trying to make money online.Most of them enjoy little or no success. With JBP/JSS, you most likely have a better solution for them than anything else available.
Step #3B: Choose a particular marketing method to become good at, for example, forum marketing.
Study everything you can find in JBP about forum marketing. Look for YouTube videos that explain forum marketing.
Google: forum marketing. Do some forum marketing and learn from your experiences and results.
If you find yourself "unable" or "unwilling" to perform this step, then Return to Step #1A.
Step #3C: Sign up for GrinTeam.
Sponsoring protocol: If Frederick Mann/bigbooster is not your JBP sponsor, contact your sponsor before joining FreeViral.
If possible, join FreeViral under your JBP sponsor.
In the Member Area, select one method of marketing and learn to do it.
If you find yourself "unable" or "unwilling" to perform this step, then Return to Step #1A.
You can later learn additional methods.
Step #3D: Test several different marketing methods, using tracking codes.
If you find yourself "unable" or "unwilling" to perform this step, then Return to Step #1A.
Step #3E: Google "justbeenpaid" and "jss-tripler" to see how other marketers are advertising JBP/JSS online.
This can give you some ideas on how to promote JBP/JSS on your own website or blog.
Brian Tracy:
Four Steps to Getting Past Obstacles
Four Steps to Getting Past Obstacles
Brian Tracy:
If You Could Achieve One Goal in 24 Hours
If You Could Achieve One Goal in 24 Hours
The 7 Most Common Rookie Mistakes
New Home Business Owners Make
by Debbie Turner
New Home Business Owners Make
by Debbie Turner
Rookie Mistake #1:
Thinking you have to know it all
before starting your business
Thinking you have to know it all
before starting your business
Rookie Mistake #2:
Thinking You Have To Have Success
& Prove it Before Starting
Thinking You Have To Have Success
& Prove it Before Starting
Rookie Mistake #3:
Not Implementing. Waiting for Perfection
Not Implementing. Waiting for Perfection
Rookie Mistake #4:
Worrying about what others
will think about you
Worrying about what others
will think about you
Rookie Mistake #5:
Won't Face the Learning Curve,
a killer factor for success
Won't Face the Learning Curve,
a killer factor for success
Rookie Mistake #6:
Not Taking Your Business Seriously
Not Taking Your Business Seriously
Rookie Mistake #7:
No Personal Development
No Personal Development
Your "Success Threshold"
In "Upgrade Your Brain" and "The Big Success Breakthrough," read up on "success threshold." In the past, you may have been operating below your success threshold -- a little below, or a long way below. Your challenge is to Rise above Your Success Threshold in the area of marketing. You can use the steps of this Tutorial to do so.To rise above your success threshold, you have to pay a price. The price is the effort you need to make to invest in yourself by making improvements. If you've been operating just below your success threshold, then the price is low. If you've been operating far below your success threshold, then the price is high. Depending on your current level, you may have a small or big price to pay in order to make the required improvements.
You may also be able to use this Tutorial as a template to become more successful in any other area of your life.
Note that "trying to make improvements" may not work if you're constrained by one or more MBIs. A car with a broken engine doesn't run. A new paint job won't make it run.
You need to fix the engine first! See Step #1A.
Invest in Yourself
Do you realize that you can receive compound interest on your investments in yourself?-- Step #1A.
You learn more about taking effective actions
-- Step #1B.
You may be making small improvements.
What if every improvement is something you can build on -- something that makes bigger future improvements possible?
You learn more marketing methods, and improve the way you perform each of them.
You may be able to achieve an upward-spiralling growth in your earning power: $1/hour, $1.5/hour. $2.25/hour, $3.37/hour, $5.05/hour, $7.57/hour, $10.85/hour, $16.26/hour, $24.39/hour, $36.58/hour, $54.87/hour, $82.30/hour, $123.45/hour, etc. Over time, you may be able to achieve such a progression. Theoretically, there's no reason why you couldn't eventually earn thousands or more for every hour you work.
By continuously investing in yourself -- removing negatives and adding positives -- you may be able to achieve such exponentially-rising earnings. The trick is to remove the negatives that constrain you most, and add the positives that boost you most -- see Step #1A.
Time Utilization
You have 24 hours a day. Your time can be considered your greatest asset.You can utilize your time. You can waste your time. You can utilize your time poorly.
You can utilize your time well. By eliminating or reducing the time you waste,
you may be able to spend an hour a day to learn better marketing.
You may be able to spend another hour a day marketing.
If you spend 8 hours a day on a dead-end job, and you want to get out of that job,
then it's most important that you spend at least two hours a day
learning to market better and actually marketing.
Marketing as a "Numbers Game"
By using tracking codes, you can get measurements of how well different marketing efforts are working for you. Often, Massive Action may be necessary to produce significant results.You may have to send hundreds or even thousands of "interested visitors" to a referral page to get a significant number of signups.
To be "statistically significant," you need to get at least 30 signups from a particular marketing method. If you promote JBP/JSS via traffic exchanges, you may need to display a splash page tens of thousands of times to get 30 signups.
Part of rising above your success threshold is to get a feel for the numbers involved. Response and conversion rates on the Internet can be "disappointingly low" if you don't know what to expect. You may think that something isn't working, simply because you haven't done enough of it. To succeed may require Massive Action!
Types of Marketing
You can make a distinction between "front-end" or "primary" marketing and "back-end" or "secondary" marketing.The main purpose of Primary Marketing is to add prospects to your list(s).
("List" here refers to a list of prospects.)
You do Primary Marketing to strangers and visitors to your web pages.
You can offer them something free to induce them to "opt in" to your list(s).
You may also get them to sign up for a free program that provides you access to their contact details.
Secondary Marketing involves promoting programs and/or products (for which members and/or buyers have to pay) REPEATEDLY to you list(s).
Promoting programs and/or products (for which members and/or buyers have to pay) to starngers -- without providing them with a free option to opt in -- is generally very inefficient. You basically get one shot at getting them to buy/pay. If they don't buy/pay, you usually never see them again.
This raises the question: Should you promote JBP/JSS to strangers, or should you promote something else to build your list and then promote JBP/JSS repeatedly to your list? The answer is that, because people can sign up for free, you can promote JBP'JSS to strangers as one way to build your list. (Your "JBP list" is "Your Referrals." You can use this Email Extractor to extract your list, removing duplicates.)
If necessary, get someone computer-savvy to sit next to you and help you figure out how to use the Email Extractor.
Building Your List
If you're trying to make money online, and you're not continuously building a list of prospectsto promote to repeatedly, then you may never rise above your success threshold.
If you're not building your list, then Return to Step #1B.
And if, after studying Simpleology 101, you're still not building your list,
then Return to Step #1A.
The following has been adapted from an email from Clay Montgomery.
You simply can't be afraid of sponsoring people if you want to make some decent money online. You have to learn how to do that.
I'm going to teach you a few things that will help you tremendously. Then it's up to you to follow through.
The most important and valuable asset you have is your list. Your income grows as your list grows.
If your list is not growing your income won't either. No list = no income.
If you've been doing this stuff online for 6 months or more and you don't have a list, then you're making the same mistake I made my first 3 years.
If I had been building my list during that time I would have had 10,000 people on my list by my 4th year.
I do still advertise online every now and then but only when I want to push something really hard and add more people to my list.
Other than that spend hardly any money on advertising anymore... because I have my list.
There are a few things you can do that should add 10-40 people to your list (or more) by tonight:
- Think about all the programs you have joined during the past 2 years. Find out if you can login to any of those accounts or if you still have any emails from your upline or downline in those programs. Put all their email addresses on your list. Most people can put 10 people on their list right away doing this.
- Look through all your junk, saved, and deleted emails for people advertising their business opportunity. You can add these people to your list. You will want to add a disclaimer in your emails that says something like "You and I have worked online together before or you sent me some information about an opportunity recently." Nobody is going to complain if they emailed you first.
- Then every day your most important act of the day is to add someone or some people to your list. Watch those emails coming into you. That's the best way to start. In fact, I got a couple of gmail accounts and signed up for a few things I knew would put me on lists. Then waited for the emails to start coming in. Takes some time going through all the emails but this is a good way to start building your list. Active advertisers are going on your list. Not people who typically sit around not doing anything.
- Always honor removal requests, but you may also want to ask that person to do the same for you. It would not be fair to remove them and yet you still get emails from them advertising something. Sometimes when you tell people that, they change their mind.
- I use Excel to maintain my list. If you have Excel it's not hard to figure out and it allows you to save files in ".csv" format, which is what most autoresponders support.
- You may wonder why I would tell you all this. You may think this is like a trade secret or something. If I can help 100 people put 100 people on each of your lists, that's 10,000 people that may as well be on my list, too. Accordingly, you should share all this knowledge with the people on your list. At least the ones who prove to be responsive.
You can also set up Yahoo discussion groups (as well as using other providers). For each group you provide a description of what the group is about.
You specify a number of appropriate key words and key phrases. You may find that some of the groups automatically gain one or more subscribers a day.
You add them to your list.
Google: how to build your list.
Sponsoring Protocol:
If Frederick Mann/bigbooster is not your JBP sponsor, contact your sponsor before joining BB7M. If possible, join BB7M under your JBP sponsor.
Join BigBooster7Million (BB7M). It is structured as a 3-wide matrix. You can use it to build your list and get Leverage.
You persuade your JBP/JSS downline members to join BB7M under you. You persuade your BB7M downline members to build their lists.
This grows your list. You can literally get 100s or even 1,000s of people helping you build your list.
If you're not taking such steps to build your list(s), then Return to Step #1B.
And if, after studying Simpleology 101, you're still not building your list(s), then Return to Step #1A.
Emailing Your List
One way to regularly email your list is to use an Autoresponder that allows you to import email addresses and enables you to email your subscribers.Another way is to use a "Group Mail" program. Google: free groupmail.
If necessary, get someone computer-savvy to help you set up the autoresponder or email program you use to promote to your list.
You can use BigBooster7Million (BB7M) to email your BB7M downline once a week.
You can also use MyMarketingFormula to email your list.
If you're not emailing your list(s) regularly, then Return to Step #1B.
And if, after studying Simpleology 101, you're still not emaiing your list(s), then Return to Step #1A.
Your Ambitions for Your Life
You may have Big Dreams for your future -- unless, of course you would like to be (or like to remain) at a lower level than a properly functioning human being. Becoming a successful marketer may be an important door opener for your future success, enabling you to realize your Big Dreams.Blind Alleys
Suppose you want to find an expert to help you get more visitors to your website. You Google: how to get visitors. You find the website: Now access: Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." Then enter "" (without the quotes) and click "Compare." If the traffic chart for is near the bottom and stays there, then the chances are high that is a blind alley.
(If the owner of the site knew how to get visitors, he would get more visitors to his own site.)
You can use the above method to quickly identify many money-promising products and programs as blind alleys. If they were successful, they would get more traffic. Of course, what isn't successful today could become successful tomorrow, next week, or next month. The fact that traffic to a website domain is low doesn't mean it's definitely a blind alley. It does mean the probability is high that it's a blind alley.
(Also realize that "traffic" can be misleading. Visitors to a website can be more or less "interested" in what the website offers. Traffic can be "targeted" or "not targeted." Traffic can have "quality," depending on how much they're willing to spend.)
For another example of what looks like a blind alley, see Automated Marketing Solutions. Then access Click "Traffic Stats" and "Reach." Then enter "" (without the quotes) and click "Compare." If the traffic chart for is near the bottom and stays there, then the chances are high that is a blind alley.
You can repeat the above for "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," etc.
If you Google "automated marketing systems," you'll find some of the above on the first page of the results. This tells you that just because a program achieves a high Google ranking for a particular search term doesn't mean that it's any good.
High-traffic programs can also be blind alleys for most people. For some popular low-priced programs, the potential earnings may not be high enough to make them worthwhile. They may effectively be blind alleys for anyone wanthing to earn decent money online. Why spend your time on a program that will earn you pennies if you want to earn thousands of dollars?
The design of some high-traffic programs is such that in order to make decent money you need several thousand people in your downline.
Because only a very small percentage of people can build very large downlines, such programs may be blind alleys for most members.
The nature of certain programs is such that strong marketers can earn a great deal with them, but the typical member just loses time and money.
Even if the website of such a program gets lots of traffic, it may still be a blind alley for most members.
Then there are many programs with design flaws that make them unsustainable. This applies to practically all cyclers, doublers, autosurfs, HYIPs, revenue-share programs, and gifting programs. The traffic charts of some of these programs "take off like rockets" when they're launched. While "skilled operators" may be able to earn a great deal with them, they tend to be blind alleys for most participants. Typically, such programs fail after a few days, weeks, or months.
You can often determine that a program is most likely a blind alley by Googling "[program name] review" and "[program name] scam."
You can also do a Google video search.
Marketing Programs that May Work
I Googled: "how to get free traffic" and found Free Traffic System. My "Alexa traffic test" (above) indicates that this may be a program that works.(Sponsoring protocol: If Frederick Mann/bigbooster is not your JBP sponsor, please contact your JBP sponsor before joining FTS.
If possible, join FTS under your JBP sponsor.)
Another marketing program that may work is Perform the "Alexa traffic test."
(Sponsoring protocol: If Frederick Mann/bigbooster is not your JBP sponsor, contact your sponsor before joining LinkReferral.
If possible, join LinkReferral under your JBP sponsor.
You may also be able to use TrafficSwarm to generate traffic to your JBP/JSS referral pages, or your blog or website. Do the "Alexa traffic test."
(Sponsoring protocol: If Frederick Mann/bigbooster is not your JBP sponsor, contact your sponsor before joining TrafficSwarm.
If possible, join TrafficSwarm under your JBP sponsor.
Warning: There are many companies that sell "guaranteed traffic" or "guaranteed visitors."
They are mostly scams, and if you buy their "traffic," the chances are that you'll get zero signups.
Personal Factors
If you persist with removing negatives from your life, and adding positives, you may be on a "potential road to success."However, getting on a potential road to success doesn't necessarily mean that you'll succeed.
If you don't learn to walk or drive toward your destination, you still fail.
Factors such as "procrastination," "helplessness," "impatience," "quitting too soon," "being stuck in mediocrity," "poor money management," "self-sabotage patterns," "fear of rejection," "fear of failure," "limiting beliefs," "child-mentality," "irresponsibility and blaming others," "making excuses instead of taking action," etc.
may prevent your success. See "Access Our Products" in the Menu in your JBP member area.
You may not realize the longterm compounding power of steadily building your list and downlines month after month -- even if initially you just get a few leads and signups each month. You may give up after a month or two, not realizing that you've actually been on a road to success! Sometimes persistence works!
Taking a few steps half-heartedly may not be enough for success. Massive action may be required.
You'll also need to follow up with your leads to help them get going.
Breakout Power
In a sense, some people live in a "shell."Their "shell" -- some of the "personal factors" mentioned above -- consists of the things that constrain them or hold them back.
"Breakout Power" refers to your ability to break out of your shell.
In Brian Tracy's videos, above, he demonstrates aspects of breakout power.
Breakout Power depends on "removing negatives" and "adding positives" to your life.
Debbie Turner demonstrates this, particularly in her 7th video.
If you want to make money online, then your online-marketing ability is a key skill.
To the extent that you develop your online-marketing skills, you develop breakout power.
See also "Access Our Products" in the Menu in your JBP member area.
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